Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. This procedure can empower you to be able to enhance the shape and size of your breasts to your personal liking, helping you to attain a more symmetric, proportionate, and aesthetic body shape.
Breast augmentation has a variety of benefits such as larger, fuller, and shapelier breasts. It can also address issues such as an imbalance of asymmetrical breasts and restore the volume of your breasts after significant weight loss, childbirth, and breast-feeding.

What Does a Breast Augmentation procedure involve?

Breast augmentation surgery typically lasts about 1-2 hours. IV sedation or general anesthesia are the two available choices that are commonly used for this procedure.

The procedure involves the surgical placement of saline or silicone prosthetics.

The placement options are:

  • Sub-muscular-implants are placed underneath the pectoral muscle
  • Sub-glandular/sub-mammary implants are placed over the pectoral muscle and behind the breast tissue

Your surgeon can select from three different incision techniques, Infra-mammary, Trans-axillary, and Peri-areolar.

After making the incision, the surgeon will separate your breast tissue from your muscles and connective tissue, this creates a pocket either behind or in front of the pectoral muscle. The surgeon will insert the implant into this pocket and center it behind your nipple, once in place he will close the incision with stitches (suture) and bandage it with skin adhesive and surgical tape.

Patients who have excess breast skin and significant sagging often benefit from a breast lift at the same time as the augmentation.

The procedure can be done in a surgical center or hospital outpatient facility. You’ll most likely go home the same day, it seldom requires a hospital stay.


Following your breast augmentation surgery, you can expect to experience mild to moderate bruising, swelling, and discomfort for which you will be given prescription pain medication as well as antibiotics to prevent your risk of infection.

Your post-operative discomfort will usually subside within two to six weeks.
As for restrictions, patients may begin their daily lives as soon as you are comfortable, provided you avoid exercise, strenuous activity, or heavy lifting for 8 weeks.

You should schedule a week to ten days away from work. There are no limitations in activities or exercise after eight weeks.


Breast augmentation is a safe, predictable procedure. As with any surgery, there are risks and complications such as infection, breast pain, changes in nipple and breast sensation, and implant leakage or rupture. While complications are uncommon, they should be discussed with your surgeon during your consultation process.

Are you a good candidate for breast augmentation?

The ideal candidate is a woman over 18 years of age who is doing the procedure for herself and not for anyone else.

Breast growth & development must be complete before considering augmentation. If you have no significant medical problems and would like to enhance the size and shape of your breasts you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation.


The results of breast augmentation will be long-lasting. Your new beautiful, natural-looking results will heighten your body- image, self- esteem, and overall improve your quality of life.

Schedule your appointment

Our Elite plastic surgeons, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati, have many years of experience performing Breast Augmentation. If you are interested I refreshing your appearance give us a call at +39 320 3005007 to schedule your appointment.


Schedule your appointment

Our Elite plastic surgeons, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati, have many years of experience performing Breast Augmentation. If you are interested I refreshing your appearance give us a call at +39 320 3005007 to schedule your appointment.


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Via Donizetti, 12 Casa de cura Vila, Litizia N 136, 73020, Milano, Italia

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