The skin, or skin, is a complex organ, consisting of the epidermis on the surface and the dermis in depth. It performs multiple functions; first of all it acts as a barrier against mechanical (trauma), chemical (water and solutions), thermal, infectious, physical (electromagnetic radiation and electric currents) agents. It avoids the loss of water by dispersion and also participates in the thermoregulation of our body.

Beautiful skin is synonymous with healthy skin
From an aesthetic point of view, a beautiful skin is smooth, compact, smooth, without imperfections or marked roughness, luminous. Numerous factors affect the health and beauty of your skin. Factors of a physiological nature, ie related to the normal aging process due to the passage of time (chrono-aging), the genetic programming of each individual; degenerative damage produced by free radicals, hormonal alterations due to menopause or other pathologies that have occurred during life, but also external environmental factors including, in particular, sunlight (photoaging).
ZO® Skin Health
We Elite Doctors, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati, will be happy to welcome you and offer you the most prestigious and effective skin care products, such as those provided by the treatment protocol created by Dr. Zein Obagi, Dermatologist of world renowned, founder and medical director of ZO® SKIN HEALTH.
ZO® SKIN HEALTH is considered excellence in the field of skin care. It develops and delivers worldwide innovative solutions, products and programs for the skin care of every individual, regardless of age, gender, skin color, type or skin condition.
Through cutting-edge science and Dr. Zein Obagi’s innovative philosophy, we will be able to optimize the health of your skin, “educating” and “training” it to meet the definition of healthy, and therefore young and dynamic skin.
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We believe that patient-doctor communication is of utmost importance to ensure natural and beautiful results and patient satisfaction. We will be happy to help you.