Face Lifting

If the face represents a unique blend of individuality and symmetry, as argued by sociologist Georg Simmel, it’s true that various factors can affect its appearance, causing tiredness or aging. Facial skin relaxes and sags, folds appear, and fatty tissue diminishes, leading to excess skin. Cheeks and cheekbones may lose volume, and the jawline may become less defined, while nasolabial folds deepen.

Facial contour loss can stem from multiple factors like thinning skin, reduced facial fat, gravity, sun exposure, smoking, stress, and genetics.

A facelift is a significant surgical procedure, so it’s advisable to consult specialized cosmetic surgeons

All this can make you feel deeply uncomfortable and significantly affect the perception you have of yourself, altering your self-esteem because, as the American novelist Eliza Farnham wrote, “the human face is the organic seat of beauty.”

What is a Facelift?

Face Lift is an operation that aims to correct the signs of aging of the face, greatly improving its aesthetics. This procedure is able to restore the architecture of the face by eliminating imperfections such as laxity and skin folds, excess skin, and wrinkles. It is a highly requested intervention in cosmetic surgery.

Face lifting can concern the entire face or specific parts of it, when imperfections occur only in a specific area. In this case we will talk about “Mini Lifting”.

The areas that can be treated with face lift are:

  • The Frontal Region: if the goal is forehead rejuvenation (front lifting);
  • The Temporal Region: if we intend to lift and reposition the relaxed eyebrow arch due to aging or to correct it if it is congenitally harmonic (temporal lifting);
  • The Middle Third: if we aim to counteract the imperfections of the cheeks and cheekbones which, through the normal aging process, have gradually lost their fullness and have slipped towards the jaw leading to development of nasolabial and marionette folds (Lifting of the Middle Third or Midface Lift)
  • The neck region: when we want to eliminate the wrinkled and sagging of the neck and, if present, the excess of submental fat (Neck Lifting or Necklift).

The Face Lifting Procedure

Known as Face Lifting or Facelift, rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of your face, restoring youthful contours without altering its natural features.

The procedure involves tightening the skin, facial muscles, and, if necessary, removing excess fat. The extent of improvement varies depending on skin condition, sun damage, bone structure, and other factors.

Facelifts are typically outpatient procedures, sometimes requiring one or two nights of hospitalization. Anesthesia, either general or local with sedation, induces relaxation during the 2 to 3-hour surgery.

Incisions are discreet, hidden behind the ears or in the hairline. Liposuction of the chin area may be combined for a better profile.

After surgery, a dressing is applied, later replaced by an elastic bandage to minimize swelling and bruising. Cold packs may be used for specific facial regions.


Thanks to the modern cosmetic surgery techniques used by us Elite plastic surgeons, your post-operative course will be much less traumatic. In the 48 hours following the surgery, we recommend that you remain at complete rest, with your head raised even during bed rest, through the use of multiple pillows.

In the first 2-5 days it is possible that the area affected by the operation appears swollen. The swelling will gradually decrease and after 3-7 days you will be able to return to normal life, but carefully avoiding any kind of physical effort.

Facelift is an operation that involves little pain, which can eventually be sedated with painkillers and the indications that we Elite surgeons will provide you at the time of discharge.

The stitches will be removed a week later, and after the first three weeks you will be able to visibly appreciate the result of the surgery. For the final aesthetic result you will have to wait about six months.

Possible Complications of Face Lifting Surgery

Face Lifting surgery, like any surgery, is not free from possible risks and complications, such as bleeding, infections, bruises, delayed healing, poor quality scarring, asymmetries, nerve injuries, although they are generally rare. and minor.

Relying on the professionalism of us Elite surgeons, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati, and following all our advice is the first way to reduce the risk of complications and avoid delays in the healing process.

I am a Candidate for Face Lift Surgery

If your face has skin laxity, severely marked skin folds, excess skin, undefined mandibular profile, drooping eyebrows, a wrinkled neck with possible excess fat under the chin; if you feel deeply uncomfortable because your appearance is not aesthetically pleasing and you want to rejuvenate it, Face Lift may be the solution for you.

To undergo the surgery, it is necessary that you are in an optimal state of mental and physical health and that your expectations regarding the results are realistic. If you are considering the possibility of undergoing a blepharoplasty surgery, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati will be happy to establish the best treatment options for you!

Schedule your appointment

We Elite plastic surgeons, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati, have many years of experience in performing facial surgery on both men and women. If you are interested in a Lifting operation to refresh the appearance of your face, give us a call at +39 320 3005007 to schedule your appointment.


Schedule your appointment

We Elite plastic surgeons, Dr. Elia Sentine and Dr. Marco Galati, have many years of experience in performing facial surgery on both men and women. If you are interested in a Lifting operation to refresh the appearance of your face, give us a call at +39 320 3005007 to schedule your appointment.


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Piazzale Badalocchio, 9/b, 43126 Parma PR, Italia

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Via Gabriele D’Annunzio, 136, 73020 Scorrano LE, Italia

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Via Donizetti, 12 Casa de cura Vila, Litizia N 136, 73020, Milano, Italia

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Piazzale Badalocchio, 9/b, 43126 Parma PR, Italia

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Via Gabriele D´Annunzio, N 136 73020, Scorrano LE, Italia

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