Transformative breast reduction with our Breast Reduction! Overly large breasts can cause health and emotional problems. Women with breast hypertrophy may experience physical pain and discomfort, experience self-consciousness and an impaired ability to lead an active lifestyle.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that reduces the size and weight of breasts. By removing excess breast tissue, fat and skin, breasts are made smaller and better proportioned to your body, improving symmetry and creating a more aesthetically breast contour.
The Breast Reduction Procedure
Breast reduction surgery is usually done under general anesthesia, either in a hospital or outpatient surgical facility. It typically lasts two to three hours.
The specific techniques used to reduce the size of your breasts may vary. Depending on your breast reduction goals, breast composition and medical evaluation, Doctor Marco Galati and Dr. Elia Sentine will design a personalized surgical plan for you. The incisions used for a breast reduction vary depending on the characteristics of your breast tissue, amount of skin laxity, and glandular ptosis. The may be circular, in the shape of a keyhole, or anchor-shaped. Liposuction may also be added to improve the shape of your breasts.
During the surgery excess breast tissue, fat and skin are removed to reduce the size of the breasts.
Then according to aesthetic preferences breasts will be lifted & reshaped in order to complete the desired results.
Breast reduction surgery has the same risks as any other major surgery- bleeding, infection and adverse reaction to the anesthesia. Other possible risks include:
- Bruising, which is usually temporary
- Loss of sensation in the nipples and the skin surrounding the nipples(areolae)
- Difficulty or inability to breast-feed
During the surgery excess breast tissue, fat and skin are removed to reduce the size of the breasts.
Then according to aesthetic preferences breasts will be lifted & reshaped in order to complete the desired results.
Following your mammoplasty a drain may be placed under each arm to facilitate removal of excess blood or fluid. Your breasts will be covered with gauze dressing or bandages.
You can expect temporary post-surgical swelling and bruising, which can be ameliorated with prescription pain medication. You likely will also take antibiotics to decrease your risk of infection.
For the first days or week after surgery your breasts will probably feel tender and sensitive. You might also experience some swelling or bruising. Your surgeon might recommend an elastic compression bra to protect the breasts.
Plan to take a week off from work to rest and recuperate.
You’ll need to limit physical activity for two to four weeks in order to allow your body sufficient time to heal.
Although you’ll see results immediately remember it can take some time for the swelling to go completely down.
Incision scarring will fade over time, until it is barely visible.
Who is a Good Candidate?
- You are physically healthy
- You have realistic expectations
- Feeling your breasts are too large bothers you
- You have breasts that limit your physical activity
- You have health issues due to the size of your breasts
- You don’t smoke
The results of breast reduction surgery will be long-lasting. Your new breast size should help relieve you from the pain and physical limitations
experienced prior to breast reduction.
Your better-proportioned figure will heighten your self-image, boost your
confidence and improve your quality of life.

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We believe that patient-doctor communication is of utmost importance to ensure natural and beautiful results and patient satisfaction. We will be happy to help you.